Albania's Public Private Partnerships

Find out contracts, concession companies and funding sources

Database of concession projects and Public Private Partnerships signed by the Albanian government during the period 2004-2020.

How to Use This Database?

The database for the project 'Albania's Public Private Partnership' contains data for over 200 PPP-s projects, which have been completed or are under construction as a part of contracts signed with the Albanian government in different fields, ranging from energy, health, tourism and transportation.

The search can be done in two ways:

Concessions by Location screenshot

1. Directly Selecting a Concession

One can directly select a Concession from the menu. To select a concession directly click on some of the marked projects on the map of Albania, at the end of the Home Page.

Display of results: Searching in this way directly leads you to the link of the selected project, where one gets access to the key information about the respective project, (to the documentation used as a basis to obtain the data); you can also continue to new, advanced search by various categories. This is done by clicking on the links of the separate categories: Concessions, Subcategories, Contracting Authorities and Source of Financing.

Search by Concession screenshot

2. Advanced Search

Clicking the Advanced Search button from the central menu leads you to the menu for advanced database search.

This menu allows you to search by the four key criteria which allows cataloguing the data according to:

  1. Categories
  2. Subcategories
  3. Contracting Authorities
  4. Source of Financing

Category 1: Natural Resources allows database users to search data grouped according to the category of natural resources.

Category 2: Services allows database users to search data grouped according to the category of services.

Subcategories: Sun, Eolic, HEC, Hydrocarbons, Carriers, Mining, Logistics and Transports, Environment, Financial Sector, Healthcare, Cultural Heritage, Other

Category 3: Contracting Authorities allows database users to search data grouped according to different contracting authorities how have signed the PPP contracts.

Category 4: Source of Funding allows database users to search data grouped according to whom pays for the concession, clients, the state budget of mix formula of both clients and money from the state.

Display of results: The results from the advanced search are displayed on a group results page. The group results page offers three types of search results, split in three parts.

Advanced search of database screenshot

In the upper part, there is a visual representation of the results. The selected parameters reveal information about the percentage / fraction of the requested data in the overall project value; make comparison of the most expensive with the cheapest PPP based on the value of investment; and the contracting authority with the biggest and smallest number of concessions.

In the lower part, the data is provided in tables. Here, one can request that the results are displayed in categories: Concessions, Subcategories, Contracting Authorities and Source of Funding.

1. If, in the search criteria, you select Natural Resources only (in Categories), the displayed table results would be as follows:

  • table Concessions: displays all the PPP-s which are in the category of natural resources, and shows their value in Euros and in Lek;
  • table Subcategories: displays all types of subcategories in the category of natural resources, number of concessions and their value in Euros and in Lek;
  • table Contracting Authorities: displays all types of contracting authorities in the category natural resources, the number of concession per contracting authority and their value in Euros and in Lek;
  • table Source of Funding: shows the number of concessions in the category of natural resources based in their source of funding, number of concessions and their value in Euros and in Lek;

2. If, in the search criteria of Subcategories, you select HEC only, the table results would be displayed as follows:

  • table Concessions: displays all the PPP-s which are in the subcategory of HEC, and shows their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Subcategories: displays all concession in the subcategory of HEC, the number of concessions and their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Contracting Authorities: displays all types of contracting authorities in the subcategory HEC, the number of concessions per contracting authority and their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Source of Funding: shows the number of concessions in the subcategory HEC based in their source of funding, the number of concessions and their value in Euros and in Lek;

3. If, in the search criteria, the contracting authority 'Ministry of Environment' is selected, the displayed table results would be as follows:

  • table Concessions: displays all the PPP-s which were signed by the Ministry of Environment, and shows their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Subcategories: displays all subcategories for the contracting authority Ministry of Environment, the number of concessions for each subcategory and their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Contracting Authorities: displays the number of concessions for contracting authority Ministry of Environment, and their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Source of Funding: shows all the types of source of founding on the contracting authority Ministry of Environment, the number of concessions per source of funding and their value in Euros and in Lek;

4. If in the search criteria one selects clients in Source of Funding and Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy in Contracting Authorities, the displayed table results would be as follows:

  • table Concessions: displays all the PPP-s which were signed by the Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy and are paid by clients, and shows their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Subcategories: displays all subcategories for the contracting authority the Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy and are paid by clients, the number of concessions for each subcategory and their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Contracting Authorities: displays the number of concessions for contracting authority the Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy and are paid by clients, and their value in Euros and in Lek;

  • table Source of Funding: shows the number of concessions signed by Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy and are paid by clients and their value in Euros and in Lek;

Downloading Data

The database offers two types of downloading data: Documentation for the PPP-s/Concessions and Display of Results in Tables.

Downloading documentation screenshot

The documentation for the structures can be downloaded from the page of any selected structure, and often, it contains contracts or other types of documents related to the concessions and the companies. The documents are in pdf format.

The results displayed in tables are downloaded in excel format, and the download is available under any displayed table, in the page for group presentation of the results.